The ‘Female-Friendly’ Peeling Tester 

User-Oriented design


Is it still acceptable to say ‘female-friendly’ these days? Sometimes, real-world demands guide innovation…… This is certainly the case with Selmers’ peeling tester. It’s a fact that many strong women around the world are capable of handling heavy tasks just as well as men! However, the small history behind one piece of our equipment highlights the tailor-made, market-driven innovations we consistently implement in our process lines and machines.


First, let’s explore what a Pipe Coating Peeling Tester is. When a pipe has a coating of Polypropylene (PP) and Polyethylene (PE) in a 3-layer polyethylene (3LPE) build-up, then the adhesion between the layers needs to be tested. This adhesion must be strong enough, otherwise, the coating quality falls short. In the pipe coating business, a winged phrase is: “A coating is only as good as its adhesion.”


Not everything was better in the past

Traditionally, operators perform a peeling test in the field, not in the factory. For this reason, they typically use a tool that resembles a ‘spring balance,’ similar to the kind used to weigh luggage (see image below).


field peeling tester coating pipes
Field peeling tester ‘old school’.


Now, let’s get a bit technical…

You can imagine that this method isn’t entirely accurate. It’s not just about measuring pulling force or resistance. Specifically, the measurement must meet certain criteria. Internationally, each country has standards that define how many Newtons per square millimeter are being pulled (N/mm²).


New standards

Two important factors in this manual measurement are perpendicularity and speed. However, the uniform movement of 10 mm per minute cannot be replicated with this small device, nor can the required constant 90° angle. Interestingly, it is still being used today by some. However, meeting strict testing standards such as DIN, ISO, ASTM, or NEN, is simply not possible with this small handheld device.


Practical problems with the improved version

Because Selmers only delivers according to the highest standards, we developed and produced a larger, reliable Peeling Tester many years ago. It featured a control cabinet that was wired to the tester, which was mounted on the pipe. However, since testing typically takes place in the field, transporting the device to these locations proved to be quite a challenge. And as it turned out – it was mostly women performing these tests. They couldn’t carry the device alone and had to conduct the test with the help of others, which wasn’t cost-efficient. This challenge prompted Selmers’ engineers to develop a solution!


“New and improved – Go get yours!”

You’re probably familiar with those empty slogans on packaging like ‘New and improved!’ While the improvement Selmers made isn’t exactly new anymore, our customers have recently started to experience its benefits, as we’ve seen a surge in demand. The fact that it’s smaller, wireless, handy, and portable might have helped get it on the radar of more pipe coaters.


How does it work

Our new peeling tester operates autonomously without the need for an external power supply and is easily controlled through a tablet, which displays all readings. It can be adjusted to meet any specific country standard as required. The appearance is also worth noting: it’s anodized and made of aluminum, so it won’t rust.

*For an ‘in action’ impression, watch the video here.

portable professional peeling tester pipe coating
Peeling tester, portable, wireless with tablet.


Recently gaining popularity

The new surge in demand could of course also have a lot to do with increasingly stringent market standards. We offer a unique solution in the market with this machine because of its portable design. Additionally, the price remains highly competitive. Read the exact specifications and standards here.


Innovate better together! 

Be sure to stay ahead in the manufacturing game and join us at the forefront of manufacturing innovation. Whether you need project-specific solutions or comprehensive strategies for your production in the pipe, tube, wind, and profile industry, we’re here to assist. Call +31 (0)251 211 999 or send an email to or fill in the contact form.

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